Changing your life for the better…

Hhhhmph where to start? We’ve recently started up a new meditation group and I’m loving it! It attracts so many interesting people, in different walks of life, and group meditation has always enhanced my practice.  That said, playing the role of facilitation forces me to review my own beliefs and attribute words to them, which is becoming increasingly difficult along my journey.  At this point I’m more about energy than words… There is one woman in our group who reminds me of The Oracle from “The Matrix” and wherever she goes when she meditates– I want to go to there! It is pure, positive, unconditional love and it feels so good to luxuriate in her presence! So, afterwards we have discussions and here are some of the concepts that I thought were worth sharing.  Back to the basics….

  1. Alignment is everything.  Ultimately, you want to work yourself into a feeling place where you feel great most of the time.  If anger feels better than depression then you’re on the right track.  As long as you are consciously and continually working towards feeling better than you have before. Focus your thoughts– it only takes 17 seconds to realign your focus.  Did you say, kittens? You have my undivided attention!


  1. Cut the clutter.  We have been so conditioned to judge ourselves and others based on some arbitrary criteria that is completely irrelevant.  Start by forgiving and loving yourself.  You do the best that you can with what you know at the time. Be at peace.
  2. Cut yourself and everyone else some slack.  Only you can control the way you feel. No one can rattle you– only you have that power! What a relief! If you’re not feeling so great, go ahead stew in it for as long as you would like, but realize that when you’re ready you need to get back on track.
  3. Start with gratitude.  Every emotion has a frequency and you always want to be resonating at love or above.  Gratitude is a great place to start, by reviewing your day and finding the positive you are tuning yourself to a higher frequency than you are continually bumping around at otherwise.  Once you get better at this you will be able to apply it more often and to more circumstance in your life.consciousness-scale-vibration.png
  4. Belief is just a thought that you keep telling yourself.  If you believe it then it must be true.  Years of domestication have dictated what the masses should believe, but do those beliefs serve you now?  Nothing exists within a vacuum, so where did this come from? Who made it up and what was their agenda?  If it doesn’t serve you to repeat this thought over and over again, if it doesn’t feel good… then let it go.
  5. You don’t have to explain.  Stop beating the drum of your own discontent.  You don’t owe anyone an explanation, you do not have to justify why things are the way they are or what circumstances occurred before this moment.

    “If you are depressed you are living in the past.
    If you are anxious you are living in the future.
    If you are at peace you are living in the present.”– Lao Tzu

  6. You are made of the same energy and power that creates worlds, all you have do is believe that everything is always working out for your highest good.  Know it, expect it, and the universe has no choice but to deliver.  We only see what we want to see, so, if you shift your mindset to focus solely on the positive you are always guaranteed to find something that excites and delights you!

The choice is yours and I’m soooo excited for you!

Namaste. search.jpg

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